10 years after Hurricane Katrina

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President Obama visited New Orleans today to mark progress the city has made before the upcoming anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which ravaged the Gulf Coast 10 years ago. The category 3 storm packed 125-mile-per-hour winds, killed some 2,000 people, caused massive flooding, and was the costliest natural disaster to hit the United States. (Big Picture 2010 post ) — By Lloyd Young

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Reuters photographer Carlos Barria holds a print of a photograph he took in 2005, as he matches it up at the same location 10 years later in New Orleans, La., on Aug. 17,. The print shows a woman arriving with her dog at a collection point for victims of Hurricane Katrina, Sept. 8, 2005. Hurricane Katrina triggered floods that inundated New Orleans in 2005. Congress authorized spending more than $14 billion to beef up the city’s flood protection after Katrina and built a series of new barriers that include manmade islands and new wetlands. (Carlos Barria/Reuters)








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