180 MOOCs to Start the New Year (Is This the Crest of the Wave ?)

, par  Dan Colman , popularité : 3%


Once the MOOC “revolution” got underway, universities, usually slow-moving and tight-fisted institutions, couldn’t run fast enough to put their own MOOCs online. And, right now, we’re seeing the results. In January alone, 180 MOOCs from major international universities, will get underway. Below we’ve highlighted some of the courses that intrigued us most, but you can peruse the complete list here and make your own choices.

If you haven’t tried a free MOOC, I’d do it sooner than later. In recent weeks, the whole MOOC project took a hit when a University of Pennsylvania study found what was becoming empirically obvious — that MOOCs generally have very low participation and completion rates, and what’s more, most of the students taking the courses are “disproportionately educated, male, [and] wealthy,” and from the United States. This study, combined with other disappointing experiments and findings, will likely make universities think twice about sinking money into creating MOOCs (they can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $50,000 to develop). It might take another 6-12 months to see the shift. But I’d hazard a guess that this January might be the peak of the free MOOC trend. Enjoy them while they last. Whatever their shortcomings, they can be quite informative, and you can’t beat the price.

See our complete list of MOOCs from Great Universities here, along with our MOOC FAQ.

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180 MOOCs to Start the New Year (Is This the Crest of the Wave ?) is a post from : Open Culture. You can follow Open Culture by signing up for our Daily Email. That is the most reliable and convenient option. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.


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