20,000 people gathered in Spain to throw tomatoes at each other

, par  Brian Koerber , popularité : 3%


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Every year, thousands of people gather in the streets of Bunol, Spain to have an epic food fight. But at this food fight, the only thing getting tossed around are thousands of red, ripe tomatoes

The annual festival called La Tomatina, which occurred on Wednesday, celebrates its 70th birthday this year and included more than 20,000 participants who paid a fee to partake in the fun. And although the scene looks like one straight out of a horror movie, it’s all in good fun

A total of 175 tons of tomatoes were delivered for the event, which was inspired from a food fight between local children that occurred in 1945. Read more... More about Viral Videos , Spain , Watercooler , Videos , and Food

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