4 morning rituals that will positively impact your day

, par  Thrive Market , popularité : 2%


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One thing that some of the most successful people in business, art and politics all have in common ? They have a regular morning routine .

But here’s the thing : The decisions you make in the morning can either set you up for success and encourage you to make healthy choices for the rest of your waking hours or seriously sabotage your overall wellness. Read on to find out if you’re accidentally making things harder for yourself — and what you should be doing instead.

SEE ALSO : 4 spooky ways the moon can affect your body

Problem : Hitting the snooze button

Realizing that you can stay bundled under the covers for a few more minutes always feels like a gift — but whether you snooze one, two, or 10 times, you’re really messing with your body’s sleep cycle. Instead of helping you feel more rested and easing you into the day, those extra few minutes of sleep actually leave you feeling groggy and tired. Read more... More about Career Advice , Healthy Eating , Health Breakfast , Healthy Lifestyle , and Health Fitness http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/mash...

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2016/03/20/morn...

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