73,000 webcams left vulnerable because people don’t change default passwords

, par  Lance Ulanoff , popularité : 3%
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Have you checked your security camera today ? Well, there’s a chance that someone else has

A new website, Insecam.com, reveals the paltry privacy of webcams, according to a report on Naked Security.

See also : The 25 Worst Passwords of 2013

The lack of privacy isn’t due to a hack or malware ; rather, many people simply fail to change the default settings when installing Internet-connected cameras, whether they be for personal, corporate or municipal use. Since many security cams use somewhat generic IP addresses or public-facing websites for administration access, one may only need your username and password to access and control the cameras. Read more...More about Security, Web Cams, Tech, Gadgets, and Us

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2014/11/10/nake...

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