EuroBSDcon 2017 System Performance Analysis Methodologies

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keynote by Brendan Gregg. "Traditional performance monitoring makes do with vendor-supplied metrics, often involving interpretation and inference, and with numerous blind spots. Much in the field of systems performance is still living in the past : documentation, procedures, and analysis GUIs built upon the same old metrics. Modern BSD has advanced tracers and PMC tools, providing virtually endless metrics to aid performance analysis. It's time we really used them, but the problem becomes which metrics to use, and how to navigate them quickly to locate the root cause of problems. There's a new way to approach performance analysis that can guide you through the metrics. Instead of starting with traditional metrics and figuring out their use, you start with the questions you want answered then look for metrics to answer them. Methodologies can provide these questions, as well as a starting point for analysis and guidance for locating the root cause. They also pose questions that the existing metrics may not yet answer, which may be critical in solving the toughest problems. System methodologies include the USE method, workload characterization, drill-down analysis, off-CPU analysis, chain graphs, and more. This talk will discuss various system performance issues, and the methodologies, tools, and processes used to solve them. Many methodologies will be discussed, from the production proven to the cutting edge, along with recommendations for their implementation on BSD systems. In general, you will learn to think differently about analyzing your systems, and make better use of the modern tools that BSD provides."

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