Velocity 2015 linux perf tools

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Video : and . Tutorial slides for O’Reilly Velocity SC 2015, by Brendan Gregg. There are many performance tools nowadays for Linux, but how do they all fit together, and when do we use them ? This tutorial explains methodologies for using these tools, and provides a tour of four tool types : observability, benchmarking, tuning, and static tuning. Many tools will be discussed, including top, iostat, tcpdump, sar, perf_events, ftrace, SystemTap, sysdig, and others, as well observability frameworks in the Linux kernel : PMCs, tracepoints, kprobes, and uprobes. This tutorial is updated and extended on an earlier talk that summarizes the Linux performance tool landscape. The value of this tutorial is not just learning that these tools exist and what they do, but hearing when and how they are used by a performance engineer to solve real world problems — important context that is typically not included in the standard documentation.

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