13 unsolved mysteries that still need answers in 2015

, par  Amanda Wills , popularité : 2%
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From a missing plane to a vast city hidden beneath Earth, 2014 left many stones unturned. Although we made many discoveries over the course of 12 months, some of them led to even more puzzling questions

See also : The biggest stories of 2014

Will 2015 be the year our search for answers comes to an end ? Here are the mysteries the world will try to unravel in the new year.


What happened to the plane that vanished without a trace ?


A crewman on a Royal New Zealand Air Force P-3 Orion Rescue Flight 795 searches for debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 on April 1.

A Malaysia Airlines flight vanished without a trace while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8. The weather was clear and there was no distress signal from the cockpit when the plane disappeared from radar screens. A massive search operation combed the Indian Ocean, but the Boeing 777 was never found Read more...More about Space, Weather, Sony, Russia, and Science

Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2015/01/01/unso...

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