50 Years of Visionary Sci-Fi Computer Interfaces

, par  Randy , popularité : 3%
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The 50 Years of Visionary Sci-Fi Computer Interfaces infographics from Glow New Media does a great job of visually showing you how sci-fi movies and tv shows predict we will interact with computers.

Science fiction imagines the future. This amazing infographic brings together 50 years of SciFi in movies and shows us how our imagination leads us into the future of computer interface design. Enjoy !

This infographic isn’t visualizing any data, it’s just showing the visual shots of how we might interface with computers. So have already happened, like mobile devices from Quantum Leap, and others are still very speculative, like Tron’s Human Computer Convergence.

Thanks to David for sending in the link !

Voir en ligne : http://www.coolinfographics.com/blo...

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