6 migrants sew their lips shut to protest destruction of Calais camp

, par  Megan Specia , popularité : 3%


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A small group of Iranian men are sewing together their lips in protest after they were evicted from the Calais camp, which French authorities dismantled earlier this week.

The camp — known as "The Jungle" — has been a makeshift home to thousands of refugees and migrants for months, making it one of Europe’s largest. French authorities ordered the destruction of the camp’s southern portion, a process that began on Monday.

SEE ALSO : Refugees came to ’the Jungle’ seeking freedom and were evicted with clouds of teargas

The six Iranians, who are also on hunger strike, are demanding the camp be preserved and those living in it granted asylum. Read more... More about Refugees , Mirgants , Calais , and World

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2016/03/03/lips...

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