A Mysterious Submarine Is Lurking in Sweden, and Fingers Point to Russia

, par  Colin Daileda , popularité : 2%
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The Swedish Navy is poking around the waters of the Stockholm archipelago after a mysterious submarine was sighted three times in the surrounding area over the past several days

A four-day search has turned up nothing thus far, but some Swedes are directing serious side-eye at Russia, whose military aircraft have continually violated Swedish air sovereignty over the past several months. In September, it prompted then-Swedish foreign minister to place a formal complaint with the nation’s Russian embassy, a rare flare of anger in Swedish foreign policy.

See also : Amnesty International : Extrajudicial Killings in Ukraine Misrecorded and Misreported Read more...More about Sweden, Russia, Stockholm, Submarine, and Us World

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2014/10/20/swed...

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