API Platform : Full Stack Framework Resurrection

, par  coopTilleuls@slideshare.net(coopTilleuls) , popularité : 2%

Install API Platform. Design the API data model as a set of tiny plain old PHP classes. Instantly get : - Fully featured dev environment with Symfony Flex and React containers, HTTP/2 and HTTPS support and a cache proxy - Pagination, data validation, access control, relation embedding, filters and error handling - Support for modern REST API formats : JSON-LD/Hydra, OpenAPI/Swagger, JSONAPI, HAL, JSON... - GraphQL support - An API responding in a just few milliseconds thanks to the builtin invalidation based cache mechanism - A dynamically created Material Design admini interface (a la Sonata / EasyAdmin - but 100% client-side) built with React. - Client apps skeletons : React/Redux, React Native, Vue.js, Angular... Finally, deploy in 1 command on Google Container Engine or any cloud with a Kubernetes instance with the provided Helm chart. Yes, you just need is describing a data model, just a few line of codes to get all of that !

Voir en ligne : https://www.slideshare.net/coopTill...

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