Airbnb to use scanning technology to make listing photos prettier

, par  Todd Wasserman , popularité : 2%
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Think of it as Tinder for lodging.

Noting that photos of homes’ interiors have a large influence on bookings, Airbnb plans to implement an automated system next year that will reportedly scan photos to determine how attractive they are to potential guests. “We are trying to promote listings with more attractive images,” Maxim Charkov, the search lead at Airbnb, told Bloomberg

See also : The Beginner’s Guide to Airbnb

At some point, Airbnb may also provide a "digital interior designer" that will help hosts "enhance listings and spruce up homes to increase bookings," Charkov said. “Maybe you should improve your images ; maybe you should provide these amenities that are popular. We want to bring the insights back to the host." Read more...More about Airbnb, Business, Marketing, Apps Software, and Ditto Labs

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