Australian Pastafarian gets licence photo with spaghetti strainer on his head

, par  Johnny Lieu , popularité : 2%

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Driver’s licence photos are usually a serious affair, but one Pastafarian in Australia is trying to challenge the process.

Benjamin Ady from Melbourne, believes in Pastafarianism, which is a parody religion that’s also known as The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster. Members of the religion are known to wear spaghetti strainers on their heads

The unusual religion was started in the U.S. by 25-year-old Bobby Henderson in 2005 as a protest against teaching students only one alternative to evolution in public schools

See also : Police arrive on scene of ’domestic incident’ to find man screaming at spider Read more... More about Video , Videos , Australia , Watercooler , and Pastafarian

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