BEER by Charles Bukowski

, popularité : 3%

BEER is a free interpretation of the poetry “Beer” from Charles Bukowski.

The composition is a manifesto of the author’s way of life, this is why we decided to go inside the author’s mind, and it is not a safe journey.

A brain solo without filter, a tale of ordinary madness, showing how much loneliness and decadence can be hidden inside a genius mind.

Directed by


Art Direction

Daniele Gavatorta


Diego Pizziconi


Daniele Gavatorta

Simone Cirillo

Milena Tipaldo

Erik Righetti

Alessandro Durando

Original Music & Sound Design

Enrico Ascoli

Voice Over

David Wayne Callahan

Recording Engineer

Andrea Pestarino

Cast : NERDO , Enrico Ascoli - Sound Design , Milena Tipaldo and Erik Righetti

Tags : nerdo , Bukowski , Charles Bukowski , poetry , beer , animation , poem , 2d , Charles , project , cel animation , personal , cel , character and illustration

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