Behind the scenes on ’A Charlie Brown Christmas’ &#8212 ; which almost had a different title

, par  Lance Ulanoff , popularité : 3%

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Good grief. It’s been 50 years since CBS first aired A Charlie Brown Christmas, the classic Peanuts special that’s become a staple of our holiday television-viewing experience. That’s a half-century of exploring the true meaning of Christmas ; five decades of wonderment at the synchronous dancing twins ; generations of chills as the Peanuts come together to turn a sad little tree into the best tannenbaum ever.

We know the show so well that many of us can recite the dialogue from memory. Yet, surprisingly, the Charles Schulz creation, which airs again on November 30 at 8 PM ET on ABC (after a one hour special), still holds a few surprises. Read more... More about Entertainment , Television , A Charlie Brown Christmas , Tv , and Conversations

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