Big Ben is bonging at the wrong time

, par  Blathnaid Healy , popularité : 2%

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LONDON — It’s arguably the most famous clock in the world, but Big Ben can’t seem to get its timing just right

Big Ben keeps time for politicians in neighbouring Westminster, but it seems the clock has been bonging early for the past two weeks. The reason behind this error ? The 156-year-old clock has become "temperamental," clocksmith Ian Westworth told BBC News

See also : The man who sets the clock on Big Ben

"Imagine running your car for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for the last 156 years," Westworth said. It has a "little fit" every now and then, he added

Big Ben’s clock, which is formally known as the Great Bell, first rang out on May 31 ,1859. High standards were set for the clock created by astronomer Royal Sir George Airy, who stated that the "the first stroke of each hour to be accurate to within one second." Read more... More about Uk , London , Us World , and Big Ben

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