Bodi Bill - Brand New Carpet

, par  Sinnbus , popularité : 2%

Bodi Bill - Brand New Carpet

Brand New Music Video for BODi BiLL.
The new record "WHAT ?" is out Now and available through :​sr038

written, directed and produced by Stephane Leonard

FX / post-production - Martin Eichhorn
camera - Claudio Pfeifer
light / grip - Benjamin Erdenberger

costumes / masks - Josephin Thomas
masks - Karoline Hinz
camera assistant - Jeremias Volker
production / catering - Daniel Spindler
production / driver - Peter Gruse
production assistant - Nina Kraus
making of camera - Tobias Volker
transportation - Markus Ellmer
sinnbus intern - Antje

actors :
Bodi Bill - Fabian Fenk, Anton Feist, Alex Stolze

Burlesque-dancer - Kitty Wild
Burlesque-dancer - Rubinia Rouge
fire artist - Matthias Günther
circus artists - Bertan Canbeldek, Dennis Mac Dao, Florian Graul
girl in bath robe - Aida Baghernejad
stone – Jeremias Volker
back, masks – Nella Rieken
masks – Karoline Hinz
guy – Friedrich Greiling
kids – Ella, Michel, Kevin

Locations :

 historisches Olympisches Dorf bei Berlin

 Neue City Bowling

 Freudenreich Bar

 Beelitz Heilstätten

 Volkspark Friedrichshain

 naivsuper Studios

the director would like to thank his wonderful crew and actors for all the help, patience and love, the band for their great music, sinnbus, DKB Stiftung, Neue City Bowling, Darius Freudenreich and many many more and most importantly Martin and Claudio and the family for never ending support. | |
get this nice song :​sr038_2/​get

Cast : Sinnbus, Stephane Leonard and bodi bill

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