Charlie Hebdo’s first issue after the attack : ’All is forgiven’

, par  Megan Specia , popularité : 2%
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A cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad shedding a tear and holding a "Je Suis Charlie" sign will be featured on the cover of Charlie Hebdo’s next issue according to French newspaper Liberation, which is helping to print the issue

Above the cartoon, the powerful message : "All is forgiven." The magazine is also planning to print 3 million copies

See also : What is Charlie Hebdo ? Behind the covers of the French satirical magazine targeted in deadly attack

Liberation said this issue is ready for printing and will hit newsstands on Wednesday, Jan. 14. The issue is the first for the weekly satirical magazine since two gunmen stormed Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris on Jan 7. Twelve people were killed, including two policemen, by brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi Read more...More about Us World, World, Charlie Hebdo, and Paris Attack

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