Chinese hacker group Deep Panda allegedly attacked Australian sites

, par  Jenni Ryall , popularité : 3%
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A group of hackers with connections to the Chinese government have targeted Australian media organisations in the lead-up to the G20, a security company claims.

Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder of U.S. computer security firm CrowdStrike,told the ABC’s 7.30 Report there has been heightened activity on the websites of Australian media organisations in the last few weeks by a group known as Deep Panda.

The group typically goes "after very strategic interests for the Chinese government," Alperovitch said about the hackers, who came to prominence after they hacked into U.S. think tanks to search for information on America’s involvement in Iraq. "[They’re looking for] questions they can expect from Australian reporters, what type of coverage, positive or negative, they can expect to see." Read more...More about China, Australia, Hackers, Us World, and Chinese Government

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