Daft Punk figures with light-up helmets are here to bring ’Da Funk’

, par  Nicole Gallucci , popularité : 3%


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New Daft Punk action figures ? We’re gonna celebrate.

Toy company Medicom is releasing new Daft Punk figures that celebrate the duo’s signature look to the fullest, complete with LED lights in the helmets.

SEE ALSO : Mr. Potato Head received an interesting makeover for charity

According to Gizmodo , though Medicom has been creating Daft Punk figures for quite some time, the toymaker is throwing it back to Daft Punk’s 2001 album Discovery for its new line of figures.

Image : medicom toy corporation

These Daft Punk figures will be harder, better, faster, and yep, you guessed it ... stronger than the previous models, because for the first time they will include the group’s signature light-up helmets. Read more... More about Toys , Pics , Watercooler , Action Figures , and Music

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2016/07/26/daft...

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