Déjà Dup Backup Tool : Default In Ubuntu 11.10 If The Work To Integrate It Gets Done

, par  noreply@blogger.com (Andrew) , popularité : 2%
Déjà Dup is an easy to use backup tool that supports local, remote, or cloud backup locations, such as Amazon S3 or Rackspace Cloud Files. 

Déjà Dup was proposed to be included by default in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot but there was nothing official regarding its approval until now.

However, in an email in which he proposes Déjà Dup for inclusion in GNOME, Michael Terry, the Déjà Dup developer (he’s also an Ubuntu member) confirms that his application has been approved for inclusion in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot by default :

Here’s a quick thousand foot view :
* Homepage here : https://launchpad.net/deja-dup
* It’s a backup program aimed at non-technical users.
* It’s a graphical wrapper and policy manager for the backup program duplicity.
* It’s included by default in Fedora 13 on and will be default in Ubuntu 11.10.
* It follows the GNOME schedule and best practices already.

But there are two things required for Déjà Dup to be included in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot by default : the work to integrate it needs to be done in time and there’s also a CD space issue, but this seems to be covered (if there’s not enough space, some functionality might be removed by default but it will be available to install later on).

As a reminder, the Déjà Dup specs propose a Control Center entry instead of the regular user interface as well as Ubuntu One integration.

As for the Déjà Dup inclusion in GNOME, the replies to Michael’s proposal are mostly positive but there are some requests for a simplified UI. This is already being addressed in the latest version (there’s a development PPA here but you need GNOME3 to be able to install it) but there is still work needed to be done. Here are a few screenshots featuring the latest Déjà Dup 19.1 running in GNOME 3 :

Deja dup

deja dup

Deja Dup

More screenshots here.

And speaking of backup tools, do you think having such an application by default is a good idea ? Also, do you use a backup tool ?

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