Eagles of Death Metal reportedly escaped offstage before 100 killed in Paris concert hall

, par  Josh Dickey , popularité : 2%


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UPDATED 7:30 p.m. ET

LOS ANGELES — Eagles of Death Metal, the California-based band founded by Josh Homme and Jesse Hughes, reportedly escaped offstage when the Paris venue they were playing was caught in a wave of attacks throughout the city

At least 100 people were killed inside the concert hall, a French police official said. Witnesses inside Le Bataclan described a frantic, bloody scene on social media. Police raided the historic venue in Paris’ 11th arrondissement at 50 boulevard Voltaire around 1 a.m. Saturday, killing two attackers and freeing dozens of hostages, according to French media reports. Read more... More about Music , Entertainment , Eagles Of Death Metal , and Josh Homme http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/mash...

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