Ebola continues to spread in West Africa

, popularité : 2%

The World Health Organization is reporting 887 deaths from the worst outbreak of the Ebola virus in history. A man with Ebola-like symptoms who had recently been to West Africa went to the emergency room at the Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan on Sunday and a nurse who treated Ebola victims will be the second American flown in a specially outfitted plane from Liberia to be treated for the virus. Emory University Hospital in Atlanta is expecting her to arrive on Tuesday. Kent Brantly, a doctor on her team is also being treated there. —Thea Breite (14 photos total)

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The Liberian daughter of a woman that died of Ebola is in tears as her mother is taken for burial from the isolation unit in Foya, Lofa County, Liberia July 2, 2014. (Ahmed Jallanzo/EPA)

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