Electric blue wine might be coming to a glass near you

, par  Chloe Bryan , popularité : 2%


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No one asked for it, but sure, we’ll take it : blue wine is now a thing.

The strikingly bright beverage, made by Spanish winemaker Gik , is reportedly sweet and meant to be served chilled. It does not, unfortunately, taste like a blue Jolly Rancher — at least as far as we can tell.

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According to Eater , the wine gets its color from a combination of "anthocyanin (a pigment found in grape skin) and indigo (a dye extracted from the Isatis tinctoria plant), and a non-caloric sweetener." Its taste is most similar to a sweet white wine. Read more... More about Wine , Food , and Watercooler http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gam...

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2016/06/18/blue...

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