FSF Europe

, par  Evaggelos Balaskas , popularité : 3%

This amazing Free Software Foundation - Europe has a “Spread the word” page that promotes freedom via stickers [0].

One of my all time favorite sticker is the

There is no cloud, just other people’s computers

PNG - 14 kio

but it is in pdf format.

I am avoiding flash and pdf in general and someone asked on twitter an SVG format.

Without any delay, the fsfe published the scribus source files !

You can find the .sla files here and a SVG format here : FSFE_No_Cloud_120×120-001.svg .

I strongly advice you, to help, promote and donate to this amazing foundation.

You can also translate the stickers to your native language and help spreading the freedom message to everybody.

[0] https://fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword.en.html Tag(s) : fsfe

Voir en ligne : http://ebalaskas.gr/blog/2015/08/04...

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