Facebook finally puts its privacy policy in plain English

, par  Samantha Murphy Kelly , popularité : 3%
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Facebook updated its privacy policies on Thursday, but the real change came in the form of the site using basic language so people can better understand how everything works

The company introduced a page called Privacy Basics, which tells users how to manage settings — including photo tags and what others can see about you — that’s not just for friends, but also advertisers.

See also : Facebook ’Say Thanks’ videos turn your friendships into movies

The page is colorful and uses easy-to-decipher verbiage ("How can I stop someone who’s bothering me ?"), instead of forcing users to weed through buried tools to find what they’re really looking for. It is available in 36 languages Read more...More about Mobile, Facebook, Security, Privacy, and Policy

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2014/11/13/face...

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