Facebook will warn you if the government is hacking your profile

, par  Stan Schroeder , popularité : 2%


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A hacker or spammer can do some serious damage to your Facebook account — but what about the watchful eye of the government over your private messages ?

Facebook said it will begin warning users if it detects a user’s account is being targeted or compromised by a nation-state or a state-sponsored actor

See also : What the massive government breach means for your personal data

"While we have always taken steps to secure accounts that we believe to have been compromised, we decided to show this additional warning if we have a strong suspicion that an attack could be government-sponsored," Facebook’s Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos wrote in a blog post on Saturday. "We do this because these types of attacks tend to be more advanced and dangerous than others, and we strongly encourage affected people to take the actions necessary to secure all of their online accounts." Read more... More about Facebook , Government , Hack , Hacked , and Social Media http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/mash...

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2015/10/19/face...

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