French Kissing Through A Straw Is Creepy, Shouldn’t Ever Happen

, par  Amanda , popularité : 2%

Ever fantasized about sticking your tongue down someone’s throat even though they were miles upon miles away ? Yes, well that makes three of you (the rest of us just toss on the beer gogglers and find someone who can pass as the object of our lust). But for the three of your who wouldn’t mind indulging in a little interactive french kissing, then the Kiss Transmission Device is just what you’ve been waiting for. More after the jump.

Researchers at the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo have been working on the Kiss Transmission Device, a motion-sensing, straw-like apparatus that records a person’s tongue movements. Those movements are then replicated in a corresponding machine in your partner’s mouth, resulting in the most awkward/strange kiss every.

Sound sexy ? We didn’t think so either. But for further proof about just how awkward this thing is, check out the video below.

Via : Gawker via Boing Boing

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