Google Calendar Indicator 0.2.0 Released With Bug Fixes

, par (Andrew) , popularité : 2%

Calendar Indicator, an Ubuntu AppIndicator for Google Calendar, was updated to version 0.2.0, receiving some important bug fixes, including a fix for the calendar events not showing up in the indicator menu under Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander.

Google Calendar Indicator Ubuntu

Calendar Indicator is more than just a tool that displays Google Calendar events on the top Ubuntu panel. Besides displaying the next 10 Google Calendar events in the indicator, the application lets you add new events and it comes with a fully-featured calendar that lets you access all your events, edit existing events and so on.

Google Calendar Indicator Ubuntu

From its preferences, you can select the font and background color used by the full calendar events, time between automatic Google Calendar synchronizations, switch between light and dark AppIndicator icons or set Calendar indicator to start automatically when you log in.

Calendar Indicator 0.2.0 includes the following fixes :

  • fixed calendar events not showing up in the indicator menu under Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander ;
  • fixed bug that prevented events that occur today from being displayed ;
  • Calendar Indicator now allows selecting which calendars to show - before this release, you could select none or all calendars only ;
  • fixed calendar size ;
  • fixed autostart issue.

Install Calendar Indicator in Ubuntu

The latest Calendar Indicator 0.2.0 is only available for Ubuntu 13.10 for now, but an older version is available in the PPA for Ubuntu 13.04, 12.10 and 12.04.

To add the Atareao PPA and install Calendar Indicator in Ubuntu, use the commands below :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao<br></br>sudo apt-get update<br></br>sudo apt-get install calendar-indicator

If you encounter bugs, report them @ Launchpad.

Originally published at WebUpd8 : Daily Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

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