Google’s Ads May Show Racial Bias, Study Says

, par  Camille Bautista , popularité : 3%



google1.jpgGoogling a new acquaintance is second nature, whether it’s a date or potential employee. A huge disadvantage, however, is having your name automatically associated with arrest, even if you’ve never had a record.

One study by a Harvard professor says some of Google’s ads discriminate, linking "racially associated" names to a possible criminal background. Government and technology professor Latanya Sweeney searched 2,184 full names on Google and, which uses Google AdWords advertisements. She found that "black identifying" names were more likely to show ads suggesting arrest, as compared to "white identifying" names.

Names often given to black babies, like DeShawn, Darnell a…

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More About : ads, advertisements, Google, google adsense, google adwords, online advertising, study


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