Google’s new email feature will write replies for you

, par  Karissa Bell , popularité : 3%

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When Google launched Inbox , its most recent email app from the Gmail team, it touted the app’s ability to act almost like an assistant. Now, a year later, Google is making the app more like an aide than ever.

The company will soon be rolling out a new feature called "Smart Reply," which uses artificial intelligence to suggest replies for your messages. The feature will be coming to Inbox’s iOS and Android apps later this week, according to the company

See also : 5 Google Inbox features that will make email suck less

The Smart Reply feature works a bit like predictive text in keyboard apps, except that it predicts phrases you’re most likely to use when replying to messages. The feature will show up to three short sentences based on the message and how people have responded to similar emails in the past. Read more... More about Google , Email , Gmail , Inbox , and Tech

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