Hackers take over French newspaper Le Monde’s Twitter account

, par  Adario Strange , popularité : 3%
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UPDATED 10:16 p.m. ET : Le Monde has now apparently recovered its Twitter account, tweeting, "After hacking into our account, our teams have now taken the hand. We apologize for any fraudulent posts on our behalf," according to a Google translation.

Après le piratage de notre compte, nos équipes ont désormais repris la main. Nos excuses pour les messages frauduleux postés en notre nom.

— Le Monde (@lemondefr) January 21, 2015

The main Twitter account for leading French newspaper Le Monde was hacked on Tuesday night by the Syrian Electronic Army

Initial signs of trouble began showing up sometime after 7 p.m. ET, with the account sending a Twitter message displaying the now familiar Syrian Electronic Army logo seen in recent months during other Twitter hack attacks, including those on The Daily Telegraph, The Los Angeles Times and CNN Read more...More about Media, Hacking, Terrorism, France, and Paris

Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2015/01/20/hack...

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