HomeAway is renting out the Eiffel Tower for the first time ever

, par  Patrick Kulp , popularité : 3%


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Paris’ hottest new hotel is a spindly 984-foot iron tower that may look a little familiar.

Vacation rental service HomeAway is giving away the chance to spend a night in the Eiffel Tower to four contestants in a company-run competition as part of its sponsorship of this summer’s UEFA Euro cup .

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The company is claiming that the winners will be the first to sleep inside the landmark in its 129-year history, a distinction that seems hard to definitively prove. A makeshift bedroom and living space will be set up in the tower’s first floor for the occasion. Read more... More about Paris , Destinations , Travel , Homeaway , and Advertising http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gam...

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2016/05/19/home...

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