’Homeland’ Episode 3 : Carrie goes off her meds &#8212 ; with purpose

, par  AJ Marechal , popularité : 2%


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There is a side of Carrie that we have almost forgotten about in Homeland now that we’ve entered into the drama’s fifth season. Carrie’s bipolar disorder — once a focal point of the series — always walks a fine line between frightening and enlightening, but in recent seasons that plot point has faded to the background

Yet, her mental illness is at times what made her a prodigious CIA agent, able to crack cases that remained opaque to other intelligence officers. But it is also what keeps her on a razor’s edge when not on her meds, prone to tumble into psychosis at the drop of a hat.

In “Super Powers,” we see that side of Carrie return full steam — and the results, while manically productive, are also far from pretty. Read more... More about Television , Showtime , Entertainment , Tv , and Homeland

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