Homeland Episode 7 : Carrie sees a ghost

, par  Josh Dickey , popularité : 2%
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Weapons abound in Homeland. Fighter jets, drones, semi-automatic guns, they’re all par for the course in the battles unfolding in the Middle East. But the most dangerous weapon has no bullets, no razor-sharp edges, as we come to learn in “Redux,” Sunday night’s ultra-stylized seventh episode in Season 4. The most dangerous weapon, as it turns out, is an out-of-control mind.

The episode could not have been more aptly titled. Carrie’s mental health struggles had been placed on the back burner in recent episodes, a virtual non-issue for the troubled CIA officer in season four. And Brody, once the lifeblood of the series, has drifted so far into the past of Homeland that we can barely make him out in the rearview mirror. Read more...More about Television, Showtime, Entertainment, Tv, and Homeland

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