How Elon Musk plans to make Tesla Motors a clean energy powerhouse

, par  Maria Gallucci , popularité : 2%

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Elon Musk wants Tesla Motors to build more than just pricey electric cars.

The company’s billionaire co-founder and CEO says he plans to fashion Tesla into a clean energy powerhouse, one that enables homes and vehicles to run almost entirely on solar power and battery packs — not oil, coal or natural gas.

"By definition, we must at some point achieve a sustainable energy economy or we will run out of fossil fuels to burn and civilization will collapse," Musk wrote this week in a blog post detailing Tesla’s second "master plan."

SEE ALSO : Elon Musk sees a future where everyone can own a Tesla Read more... More about Climate Change , Solar Energy , Renewable Energy , Clean Energy , and Solarcity

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