How ‘Gangnam Style’ Got to a Billion Views

, par  Chris Taylor , popularité : 2%



Screen-Shot-2012-12-20-at-1.33.59-PM.png[UPDATE : ’Gangnam Style’ hit a billion views at roughly 11am ET Friday. The analysis below dates from the night before.]

Sometime in the next day, maybe in the next few hours, humanity will hit a major milestone that has nothing to do with the Mayan apocalypse (we hope).

For the first time in history, we will be able to state categorically that a single piece of visual entertainment has been watched more than a billion times.

No prizes for guessing what that video will be : the surprise international smash hit of 2012 ; the song that made Seoul’s richest neighborhood world-famous ; the video that reveals for the first time exactly how much fun you can have in a powder blue tuxedo jac…

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More About : YouTube, gangnam style, psy, viral videos


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