How WikiLeaks Became the Story of the Year in 2010 [VIDEO]

, par  Meghan Peters , popularité : 2%

Arguably the most controversial website of 2010, WikiLeaks has changed the way the world thinks about information and the Internet.

For some, like Vice President Joe Biden, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is a “high-tech terrorist.” Others feel Assange and his site exemplify what the web is all about : The free flow of information.

Whether you love it or hate it, the concept of WikiLeaks is a digitally driven revolution that’s here to stay, and its effects on governments, journalists and the public are widely felt. We put together a video overview of the saga, including analysis from the Mashable editorial staff. Watch to see how some of us weighed in on WikiLeaks — and be sure to share how you feel about the site and its enigmatic founder in the comments below.

Reviews : Internet, Mashable, Wikileaks

More About : citizen journalism, governments, information, Joe Biden, journalists, julian assange, media, politics, video, web video, wikileaks

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