Iceland Aviation Alert Downgraded From Red to Orange, Volcanic Eruption Could Still Occur

, par  Andrew Freedman , popularité : 3%
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UPDATED}} 9:19 a.m. ET on Aug. 24 : Iceland downgraded its aviation alert from red to orange on Sunday, according to The Associated Press. The Icelandic Meteorological Office continues to caution that a volcanic eruption could occur in the coming days.

Two earthquakes greater than 5 in magnitude shook the area near the Bardarbunga volcano early on Sunday, marking the strongest quakes to hit the region in recent days.}

UPDATED}} 6:30 p.m. ET : The Icelandic Meteorological Office said data collected on Saturday confirms a subglacial eruption of lava is in progress, and that it is "highly uncertain" how much lava is in contact with the ice, and how thick the ice is at that contact point. "It could be 0-20 hours before lava reaches the surface of the ice. It is also possible that the lava will not break through the ice, and the eruption could remain subglacial," the IMO said in a statement.} Read more...More about Iceland, Volcano, Iceland Volcano, Us World, and World
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