If You’re in the U.S., Get Used to More Record Hot Temperatures

, par  Andrew Freedman , popularité : 2%
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In a clear sign of global warming’s impact on the U.S., record-high temperatures are increasingly outnumbering record-low temperatures, a new data visualization shows.

The visualization, which is based on data from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), does not incorporate the most recent data from 2014 that shows cold records are outpacing warm records in the lower 48 states. However, this is likely a temporary speed bump in a longer-term warmup, especially as the summer approaches.


Image : Engima

The data is consistent with similar findings published in a peer-reviewed study in 2009, which found that this trend was unlikely due to natural climate variability alone. Read more...More about Visualization, Global Warming, Open Data, Heat Wave, and Us World

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2014/04/23/clim...

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