Iran’s Next President Might Be a Redditor

, par  Alex Fitzpatrick , popularité : 2%



iran-flag.jpgIf all goes according to law, Iran will get a new president later this year — and he might be a Redditor.

Hooshang Amirahmadi, a candidate for president of Iran, held a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" Thursday night in which he answered a variety of Redditors’ questions.

Amirahmadi was born in Iran, but left for the United States in 1975 amid political turmoil preceding the 1979 Iranian Revolution. He has degrees from the University of Dallas and Cornell University and now works at Rutgers University as a professor and director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies. He’s returned to Iran numerous times and is a leading figure in American-Iranian relations.

In his Reddit AMA, Amirahmad…

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More About : iran, reddit, World


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