Irish language used to hide porn on YouTube

, par  Blathnaid Healy , popularité : 2%
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The word ’scannán’ doesn’t mean much to anyone outside of Ireland. But to Gaeilgeoirs, or Irish language speakers, it means film — and that’s what people uploading porn in recent months were depending on

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In a somewhat imaginative attempt at getting around YouTube’s strict policies on explicit sexual content, four channels with up to 20 videos were titling their films using Irish words. Meaning that until the films were removed, people searching YouTube using innocuous words such as ’film’ were presented with porn.

The graphic films had been on the video-sharing site for months, according to Maitiú Ó Coimín, a journalist with Irish-language news service Ó Coimín found the content after his flatmate, a media student, was researching a project for university using the word ’scannán’ and the plural ’scannáin.’ Read more...More about Youtube, Ireland, Porn, and Us World

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