#JeSuisCharlie : Messages of solidarity after Paris attack

, par  Megan Specia , popularité : 2%
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Messages of solidarity are pouring in online after the horrific attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that left at least a dozen dead on Wednesday.

The hashtag #JeSuisCharlie, which translates "I am Charlie," quickly started trending in the hours after the attack, first in France and then internationally as the news spread

See also : 12 dead in Paris after ’terror attack’ on magazine

While the full details of the attack are still unclear, Charlie Hebdo is known for its raw, unapologetic satirical depictions of cultural pillars, politicians and religion. A manhunt is currently underway for the gunmen, who are still at large. Read more...More about Attack, France, Us World, World, and Muslims

Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2015/01/07/jesu...

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