#JeSuisParis : Outpouring of support for Paris victims floods social media

, par  Olivia Niland , popularité : 2%


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In the wake of coordinated terror attacks that left at least 120 dead in Paris late Friday and early Saturday, people across the globe took to social media to express support for the victims of the carnage.

Many tagged their messages with #JeSuisParis , a hashtag similar to the #JeSuisCharlie one used after the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris in January.

See also : Parisians open their doors to strangers with hashtag #PorteOuverte

Standing in solidarity with our French friends. My thoughts and prayers are with all affected by this tragedy#PorteOuverte #jesuisparis

— Ross Morrison (@RMorrisonGBWR) November 14, 2015 Read more... More about Paris , Twitter , Us World , Paris Attacks , and Jesuisparis

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2015/11/13/soci...

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