Lego toys are getting more violent, study says

, par  Lance Ulanoff , popularité : 3%

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When my son was six-years-old, my wife and I refused to give him toy guns. If one arrived as a gift, it was swiftly spirited away – so quickly that he barely noticed its absence.

Instead, we bought him Legos... and he promptly built a gun.

I was reminded of this as I read over a fascinating new study from New Zealand’s HIT Lab at the University of Canterbury, which asks a simple question : Have Lego Products Become More Violent ?

The short answer is, according to this study’s findings, Yes. “

Our results show that the violence of the depicted products has increased significantly over time. The Lego Company’s products are not as innocent as they used to be,” the study, published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE , states. Read more... More about Violence , Children , Science , Lego , and Tech

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