Megadeth fan pays $5000 for a songwriting session with Dave Mustaine

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A super-fan has paid $5000 for a two-hour songwriting session with frontman Dave Mustaine as part of the PledgeMusic campaign for Megadeth’s upcoming album. The session will take place in Nashville, Tennessee, on a mutually agreeable date.

I want to congratulate who is going to be songwriting with me courtesy of Pledge. #Megadeth15— Dave Mustaine (@DaveMustaine) 29 Avril 2015

Several other perks are still available, such as a $3,500 signed signature Kiko Loureiro Ibanezguitar, a $2,500 day in the studio with the band, a $1,700 drum lesson with Chris Adler or a $500 guitar lesson with Kiko. The previously listed $10,000 jam session with the band can no longer be located on the PledgeMusic page. Some Megadeth fans are going to be very happy !

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