Pacha : ‘Cherries’

, par  boolab , popularité : 3%

Pacha: ‘Cherries’

Year : 2006. Launching commercial of the new fragrance from legendary club Pacha. This job required significant research and development, as it incorporated new particle dynamics management software. An intense technical driven process combined with high design care gave the result of this spot, revealing different sensual situations choreographed to flow seamlessly The initial move was to shoot and motion capture the talents acting the different situations. We then developed a authoring particle system that could move the cherries around the screen and make them come together to briefly form the scenes, this was reveled as the main challenge in the process. Once we got the system right, the data from the shooting was combined to create the effect. Tweaking on the information and additional animation was needed to complete the visuals. With all the layers the composition artist combined the pieces to create the final look.

Cast : boolab

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