’Scandal’ Season 4, Episode 10 : Possibly the most intense episode ever

, par  Mashable Contributor , popularité : 3%
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One way to describe Thursday’s return of Scandal is heart-poundingly intense. It gets our hopes up and plays ping-pong with our emotions

One moment Olivia is dancing with Jake, plotting a grand finish atop a piano ; the next, she’s gone. Red wine spilled all over her pristine cream couch, with Jake chasing after her kidnappers’ black SUV in his underwear.

See also : A brief but passionate #TGIT catch-up guide

But nothing in this episode is really as it seems.

While Jake was busy reporting (to Quinn ?) the license plate number of the car that presumably had taken Liv, we soon learn that the car was indeed a decoy. Olivia is actually still in the building — in her neighbor’s apartment. The kidnappers monitor Jake on screen, jeering "Run Forrest, Run !" Read more...More about Television, Scandal, Entertainment, Tv, and Recaps

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Voir en ligne : http://mashable.com/2015/01/30/scan...

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