’Star Wars’ costumes reimagined by 10 major fashion designers

, par  David Yi , popularité : 2%


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Star Wars : The Force Awakens is hands down, the most fashionable movie of the year, inspiring sneaker collaborations , beauty products and heels

So it’s not surprising that high-end designers are joining the force as well, with a new collaboration between 10 designers and Bloomingdale’s, in a charitable initiative called "Force 4 Fashion."

Bloomingdale’s requested that all 10 designers create their own interpretations of new and old characters from the highly anticipated flick, which opens Dec. 18. Each made only two samples, one which will feature in the window displays at Bloomingdale’s stores on Dec. 3, and another, which will be auctioned off Read more... More about Fashion , Entertainment , Style , Film , and Design

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